Tag: Hotter ‘n Hell 2012

Hotter ‘n Hell tips from the Wheelbrothers!

  HHH is this weekend and here are some last minute tips and tricks before the race: 1. SLEEP!!!! Make sure you get plenty of sleep from Thursday/Friday night.  The day before folks usually have a hard time sleeping.  So make sure you give your body the maximum amount of rest you can. 2. Pack your gear […]

Hotter ‘n Hell update

Here is a quick update the Hotter ‘n Hell folks sent out today! Route Changes:We have a completely new route for the 100 mile Ride that will finish through Sheppard Air Force Base and some minor changes to the 100k & 50 mile routes. Route maps are posted on the website: www.hh100.org . Hell’s Gate:  After reviewing […]