Bike for Kids’ Sake in Abeline, TX

The Bike for Kids’ Sake invites you to join their ride on October 6, 2012 starting at Wylie High School Parking Lot

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Michelle Parrish, BBBS event organizer to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.

Bike for Kids sake

Why join the Bike for Kids’ Sake?
Bike For Kids’ Sake will help to raise funds and support the hundreds of Abilene children being supported by Big Brothers Big Sisters. It’s also offers 3 different courses and will feature some very scenic areas of West Texas and Taylor County.

How long has the event been around?
This is the first Bike For Kids’ Sake ever organized!

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
We realized that our community does not feature any rides during this time of year, so it seemed like a natural fit for local riders. The event will promote Big Brothers Big Sisters, and help to raise awareness for the mission of mentoring.

Do you have a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
All route maps are online at

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
At this point, we’re working with approximately 20 event volunteers and numerous businesses who have generously agreed to underwrite the event. All expenses will be covered, which enables BBBS to collect the registration fees and apply them directly to helping local children.

What is the average number of participants per year? How many riders do you assist during the average race?
We hope to have at least 100 riders for this first year.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
We are always recruiting volunteers to mentor children, but without financial support, we would not be able to recruit, screen, and train volunteers, or support the matches once in place.

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
I’m the BBBS event organizer and work with an event chair, Mark Spurlock, to plan and promote the event.

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like?

10. We’ve bribed the weather man, so there’s no rain in the forecast.
9. There’s a route for every rider (10-, 25-, and 50-mile).
8. We can almost guarantee some fall foliage to appreciate.
7. Free t-shirts
6. Fresh Air and sunshine
5. Free bottled water, thanks to our sponsors
4. King of the Mountain Prizes for the top 3 male and top 3 female riders to pass Nuisance Hill
3. Goodie bags for all participants with local deals and freebies
2. Kids are counting on you
1. Support BBBS and the mission of mentoring!

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
We’re new at this, but look forward to building on the success of this year’s event in the future!


Thanks Michelle for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the event details of the 1st Bike for Kids’ Sake

Wheels for Meals in Fort Davis, TX

The Wheels for Meals invites you to join their ride on October 6, 2012 starting at Food Pantry-Jeff Davis County – 609 E Compromise St, Fort Davis, TX

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Margaret O’Connell, Chairwoman of Wheels for Meals to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.

Why join the Wheels for Meals?

1. It’s a GREAT cause and crucial service.
2. It’s FUN!

How long has the event been around?
2012 ride is our 4th year.

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
I have personally participated in many charity bike rides and saw the power they have to not only raise money, but to raise awareness. When I moved to Fort Davis, I quickly realized the the Pantry was perhaps the single most crucial nonprofit in JDCty, because without the supplemental food it provides, children would not do well in school, families would suffer. Nearly 20% of the JDC population receives supplemental and school lunch foods from the Pantry.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?
Funds raised through the WfM event make up almost 1/2 of the Pantry’s annual budget, paying for tons of foods and paying for operations of the building facilities to ensure our doors stay open.

Do you hav a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
No. There is only one building with a large open door that is obvious when someone drives up. There will be a portalet in the small parking lot and snacks, water and limited Gatorade at the registration desk. The Safety Manual on the Pantry’s website answers a lot of questions.

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
We have over 40 volunteers providing support at two pit stops and lunch stop, driving SAG vehicles, and information at the registration. The Riders’ $50 registration fee covers the costs of the t-shirts, pit stop snacks and drinks. We have nearly 30 sponsors this year donating dollars and in-kind goods to support the ride. Most of the sponsors donatipons and ALL of the riders’ fund raising monies go directly to services. Even all the the food and beverages at the post-ride cookout are donated by sponsors and our board members.

What was the most rewarding experience throughout the years hosting this event?
Hearing the positive comments from our riders and volunteers about the quality of the ride: the beauty of the scenery, the enthusiasm of the volunteers, the quality of the pit stops and qauntity of snacks, the good and rewarding feelings the riders and volunteers have about their constributions to helping the Pantry’s consumers.

What is the average number of participants per year? How many riders do you assist during the average race?
Avg about 20, but this year we are 30+! We assist all riders through quality support, and usually help about half the riders off the course before completing the 88 miles. Riders are allowed to ride as far as they want/can.

What was the most unforgettable experience or worst accident you had in this event? (prefer the rewarding/unforgettable experience 😉 )
We have not had any accidents and you’d better knock on wood when you read this! Most unforgettable experience was one of our riders who had just gotten a bike, trained all summer and rode every mile. She had just celebrated her 60th birthday.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
Volunteers are always needed to help with distributions every other Friday to receive and sort foods, and Saturdays to help distribute to consumers.

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
The director, Tex and I brainstormed 4 years ago to come up with the idea and we have organized it every year with the help of many volunteers.

Do you ride and if yes, what kind of bicycle do you ride and what is your favorite route in your area?
I do ride and have a Trek carbon fiber frame. I really like the stretch on 166 from Point of Rocks to the 505 junction. Also love the Hill Country. Karen Shew rides a Trek and loves the great views along 166, winding through the Chihuahua Desert and Davis Mountains.

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like? (By Karen Shew)

10. Good excuse to buy a new bicycle.
9. Learn how to change a flat tire.
8. Shift gears like an Indy driver
7. No matter how old you get, you never forget how to ride a bike.
6. Lost weight.
5. Do what Lance Armstrong does.
4. Enjoy the outdoors
3. Meet new friends.
2. Contribute to a good cause

And the #1 reason to ride in the Wheels for Meals Charity bike ride….

1. Help feed your neighbors.

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
It will be more fun than ever with more riders than ever. All REGISTERED riders, volunteers, and OFFICIAL sponsors are invited to the big celebration cookout the evening after the ride.


Thanks Margaret for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the event details of the Wheels for Meals 2012

Pedal Palacios in Palacios, TX

The 4th Annual Pedal Palacios invites you to join their ride on October 6, 2012 starting at South Bay Blvd.  Palacios, Texas

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Joe Adams, Ride Director of Pedal Palacios  to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.

Pedal Palacios 2012

Why join the Pedal Palacios?
Great training ride for both team riders and those just getting started in the sport. Flat, friendly routes of 60, 36 and 12 miles.

How long has the event been around?
This is the 4th annual Pedal Palacios bike ride.

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
Palacios is a neat little shrimping community on the gulf coast and Matagorda Bay. We have several businesses around us with team riders so the interest was there to put together a ride.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?
The ride is put on by the Palacios Chamber of Commerce and has benefitted several projects from safe paths to schools, beautification of waterfront areas and promotion of tourism.

Do you hav a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
The best place is at our web site

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
We will have over 150 volunteers including corner marshals, rest stops, law enforcement, sign placement and more. Planning for the event is year around but intense in the last 4 months.

What was the most rewarding experience throughout the years hosting this event?
We try to provide for all of our ride marshals and have a Shrimp Boil for all riders and helpers, the rest stops go all out to help make the day enjoyable. The entire community gets involved to host this event. Almost all of our comments are positive and it is nice to know you made a special day for someone.

What is the average number of participants per year? How many riders do you assist during the average race?
We have about 275 riders and hopefully growing. Sun and Ski Sports and our SAG team help about 20 – 25 riders per year, changing flats etc.

What was the most unforgettable experience or worst accident you had in this event? (prefer the rewarding/unforgettable experience 😉 )
Knock on wood, we have not had a serious accident yet, even though medical personnel are available during the ride. Best experience is the determination of few individuals to complete their chosen ride while overcoming some physical and mechanical problems.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
Like us on Facebook or come join us on ride day.

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
Ride director.

Do you ride and if yes, what kind of bicycle do you ride and what is your favorite route in your area?
I am not a rider but I love to exercise. I am an outdoor person so I volunteer to support events with those qualities.

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like?
Scenic, great people to associate with, Shrimp boil is fantastic, flat and friendly routes, Usually great weather, great support on ride, homemade items at rest stops, Coastal community, always fun.

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
Can show up the morning of the ride and join in, they will enjoy all aspects of the ride whether they are an experenced rider or out for family fun.


Thanks Joe for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the event details of the 4th Annual Pedal Palacios 2012

Car hits child on bike – but – Insurance company GEICO denies claim!

UPDATE: 09/28/2012

As per Brady Polansky’s blog:  GEICO has come back and offered to pay half of the damages to his son’s bike.

Since they are negotiating, to me it’s becoming a ‘He said/She said’ type thing and since GEICO has now responded ‘we should step away’ and let them work this out.  From the sound of it, GEICO is being responsive to Brady and they are just working out the ‘details’.  Also a shout out to the folks from Bicycles Inc. in Arlington who have offered to take a look at the bike to see if they could help.

Unless something drastically changes this will be the last message on this.  Feel free to stay up to date on Brady’s blog at the link above!

Original Story:

Every once in a while you run across the story that leaves you shaking your head.

This craziness is happening to Brady, a fellow cyclist who happens to be a father, locally in the DFW metroplex.  We contacted GEICO through 4 different channels (including Facebook and social media) for comment and to get their side of the story but so far just crickets…

As soon as they respond I will update this post but remember, as of now we only have one side of the story.

For now, please let us know your thoughts in the comments below and make sure you share it with your friends.

Let’s help get this resolved!!!!


This story is reprinted here with permission from Brady’s Blog:

Car Hits Child on Bike, GEICO Denies Claim!
By Brady Polansky

Picture this in your mind… A backpack-clad child is riding his bike to school on a designated “Safe Routes to School” multi-purpose trail on school property.  He notices a car pull up to a stop sign, which intersects the trail.  He sees the driver look right at him, then look to the left toward oncoming traffic.

Bent Wheel

As the kid crosses in front of the car (there was no stop sign on the trail), it suddenly accelerates and cranks the wheel to the right.  The bicycle’s pedal was bent under by the impact with the license plate and the bike was thrown half-way into the first lane of the 7 lane divided road.  The child was thrown onto the hood of the car with such force that he bounced all the way to the windshield then he fell off the car.  The kid’s head hit so hard it split his helmet!

Cracked helmet

The driver of the car gets out, throws the kid his business card then jumps back into his car to flee the scene.  Witnesses had to stop him from leaving.  They were not sure why he was in such a hurry to leave.  It’s a good thing the police and EMS arrived within a minute or two.

After a thorough once-over by the paramedics, they were pleased to report that the child is understandably seriously shaken; yet fortunately, no injuries were apparent.  A sigh of relief could be heard from the ever-growing crowd that was gathering.

The driver told the police he saw the child approaching, yet he never looked back to see where the kid was before he took off from the stop sign.  He went on to say he wasn’t a bad guy and he never meant for this to happen.  He repeatedly said to the cops he would take care of the damage.  He didn’t want to tarnish his good reputation.  He wanted to keep his insurance company out of this.

The child is on the #2 cross-country team in the nation and takes his training seriously.  So as you would image, his bicycle was not inexpensive, with a replacement cost of about $1,500.   The helmet is worth about another $150, as is the speedometer.  With this estimate in hand, the driver decides to turn the claim into his insurance company, GEICO.

Without getting a statement from the kid or reading the police report, GEICO immediately denies the claim.  To add insult to injury, the driver of the car is now demanding the child to pay for the damage to the car!

The basis of GEICO’s denial and the driver’s request for payment is thier interpretation of State law which says the child should have been riding on the 45mph- 7 lane divided road, and not on the school’s multi-purpose trail, which bikes are permitted to be on per city ordinance.  According, the child was clearly at-fault because he was more than 50% negligent, in their opinion.  Furthermore GEICO, says if you want to ride your bicycle on the sidewalk you must only travel in the same direction as the cars on the road!

The actual quote from the GEICO claims rep was, “The (driver) would have had the right of way because (the child on the sidewalk) was riding the opposite direction of traffic (on the divided roadway).”

The child doesn’t have the resources to pay for both his bike and the damage to the car.

Do you think the kid should raise money to pay for car and bike, or raise money to fight GEICO in court?

PS. I can never replace my son, and I could not be any happier that he was not seriously injured.  However, who would ever image both the driver and GEICO could steep to such a despicable lows.  Who wants to stand up with Kyle and me and fight the driver and GEICO?

P.S.S.  If you believe GEICO was irresponsible in how they handled this claim, please send an email to the Texas Department of Insurance at (reference GEICO Claim #0452598921010017)


Here is the police report (We edited out the names):

Southlake DPS/Carroll ISD
Information Report

From the office of:
Ofc. Brian F
Criminal Investigation Division
School Resource Officer
Southlake DPS/Carroll ISD


Auto/Ped accident occurring on September 19th, 2012 at 1501 West FM 1709 at Southlake Carroll ISD Senior High School involving a Mr. S and CSHS student Kyle P.


On September 19th, 2012 at approximately 0800 hours, I, Officer Brian F was contacted by CSHS radio that there had been an accident involving a student on a bike and a parent in car.  The accident had occurred on the front (North) side of the building at the western most exit of CSHS onto West FM 1709.  There is a stop sign at the exit onto West FM 1709.  According to the student, Kyle P., he was riding his bike down the sidewalk heading west and was attempting to cross the west exit when he was struck by the white Honda that had been stopped at the exit.  The driver of the white vehicle was a Mr. s.  Mr. S had just dropped his child off at the school and was attempting to leave CSHS and was waiting for the east bound traffic to clear so he could pull out onto West FM 1709.  In my opinion, both Mr. S and Kyle P assumed that the other would stop and both pulled forward.  Mr. S told me that the majority of his attention was diverted to the west as he waited at the stop sign for the east bound traffic to clear so he could pull out.

I interviewed Kyle P. on scene and he told me that he was not injured but I called for Southlake Medics anyway to have him checked out.  We also had CSHS Nurse K. check Kyle out as well.  He was cleared by Southlake Medics after he assured them that he was physically okay.  Southlake Traffic Officers arrived and after talking with those involved decided to not issue a citation and to not write a CR-3 report.  Mr. S stated to me several times that he would be happy to replace the front wheel on Kyles bike or even the entire bike depending on the damage.  Mr. S told me that he would like to take care of things family to family without getting insurance involved.  Due to the totality of the circumstances, a CR-3 Accident report was not made by the Traffic Officers.  Once again, both the driver and the bike rider claimed to have no injuries, Mr. S stated he would prefer to take care of things between the families.

According to the Southlake Bicycle/Pedestrian System Master Plan Redraft of 2001, the sidewalks along Southlake Boulevard from Peytonville and on east to SH 114 are to be multi-use sidewalks and bicycles are allowed.  This includes the sidewalks directly in front of the Senior High School where Kyle was riding.  Throughout the city of Southlake, everywhere you see new construction they are making the sidewalks wider to make as much of the city as possible bicycle/runner/walker friendly.  Kyle was not breaking any law regarding riding on the sidewalk.  As well, just the day prior to the accident, Kyle was asked to ride down that sidewalk just to the east side of that west exit and to walk his bike in from there.  Many of the students on bikes were riding to the east exit and then riding through the parking lot which we felt dangerous.

Regardless of any laws Geico thinks are being broken causing Geico to not want to replace Kyles helmet and bike, Mr. S stated multiple times that he wanted to replace the damaged items and just keep it between the families.