Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing
Life is a gift
A smile is happiness
Turkey Roll Ride Report
By Harold Darling
The last charity ride of the year, 30th Turkey Roll, is today. Its 5:30 AM and time to decide what to wear, it’s supposed to be nice. So I’ll dress with the medium weight kit and load the extra’s in the duffel. Pack the food and drinks then it’s off to Denton at 6:20 AM for the 1 1/4 hour drive. It’s a beautiful morning, truck outside temperature gauge says 36 and the sky is mostly clear. Arrived at the Catholic Church, see main parking is nearly full and decided to be number 2 into the auxiliary lot across the street. A large pickup in a tight parking lot is no fun. I parked and walk to Rec building where a cheerful Kwanian is greeting and directing folks to the proper registration table. I’m preregistered and all goes well except they try to put this body in a small T-shirt. We sort that out then I notice a large crowd coming in the building and decide it’s time to finish dressing and unload the bike.
The PA system at the start worked well and we started lining up at 8: 40 AM. Many police etc. cars at the start to lead and protect. The ride started promptly at 9AM under sunshine and no wind. Ride through the park then north out of town. At 8.5 miles is the first rest stop with the new turn to head toward the dam. This new route is about ½ mile further on 377 than the old route and leads on a much safer road, although not as wide or smooth. Then ride 6 more miles to rest stop 2 and the split for the 63, 52, 38 and 28 mile routes. I rode the 38 mile route and it was the same as last year from this point. The wind started at about 10:30 AM at 10 mph from the south for the ride to the finish. Not a bad wind just enough to keep you cool in the sunshine.
The rest stops were simple bananas, sandwich cookies, Gator Aid and water, but very well stocked with helpful hosts. The police protection was at all the major intersections for the first 8.5 miles. Then you were on your own with the well signed route markers. We saw at least five flats and not many sag wagons, seemed like the flatters missed the sag wagons.
Looked like 800 +/- riders and another successful Bike Rally for the Denton Crew. I always look forward to a good ride for the last ride of the year. I’ll be there next year.
Harold Darling