The Hale on Wheels page, provides you with the official registration information, ride distances etc. and if you scroll down a bit, videos, interviews and ride reports for this event. If you don’t see a ride report and you participated in the event in the past, feel free to type something up and we’ll add it here!
Date: September 21, 2019
Event: Hale on Wheels Cycling Event XI
Route Distances: 24, 32, 45, 63, and 100-miles
About the Ride:
Hale on Wheels Cycling Event XI
September 21, 2019
Hale on Wheels is a fully supported recreational bike ride for road bikes held in Plainview, HALE County, Texas, during the annual “Cowboy Days” celebration.
Cycling routes are 24, 32, 45, 63, and 100 miles, all on smooth, flat, lightly traveled or wide-shouldered roads. There are fully supplied rest stops, sag wagons, mechanical and first aid available. SHOWERS WILL BE AVAILABLE ON SITE! Lunch is free for cyclists ($8.00 for others).
Cruiser Rides for families and casual riders are 1.0 mile and 3.1 miles and stay within the Plainview city limits.
Riders who register before September 3, 2019, are guaranteed to receive an event T-shirt and goodie bag. Pre-registered cyclists will be entered in a drawing for free entry to next year’s event.
During Cowboy Days, watch the “Down Ol’ Broadway Cattle Drive” (real cows) take a ride in a stagecoach, climb the climbing wall, savor the food and homemade ice cream, and other treats.
WHEN: September 21, 2019 Ride will start at 8:30 AM.
WHERE: All routes start and finish at the Ollie Liner Center (2000 South Columbia, Plainview, Texas 79072)
Ample parking and restrooms are available at the start/finish.
RV spaces with electrical and water hook-ups are available.
REGISTRATION: Register online or print and mail in the registration form
FEES: $35.00 per participant, cruiser ride is $25 for adults and $15 for children
EARLY PACKET PICK-UP: Friday, September 20th, from 5:00 to 8:00 PM at the Ollie Liner Center
Hale on Wheels Cycling Event is sponsored by Hale on Wheels Cycling Club & Plainview Christian Academy.
For more information, email us at plainviewfitnessevents@yahoo.
Cowboy Days is sponsored by the Plainview Herald. For parade entries, booths, questions, email:
Location: Ollie Liner Center, 2000 S. Columbia Street, Plainview, Texas 79072
Event Website:
Registration details: Online registration
Contact info or (806) 291-3451
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