Author: WB admin
The summit is just a halfway point
Life is like a 10 speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
Never stop pedaling to power your dreams
Make yourself stronger than your excuses
A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step
I believe in going strong when everything seems going wrong…
Hot Rocks Bicycle Race and Ride in Rockwall, TX
The Hot Rocks Bicycle Race and Ride, fundraiser for Rockwall Rotary Club invites you to join their ride on August 11, 2012 starting at Wilkerson/Sanders Memorial Field, Rockwall We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Bart Miller, coordinator of Hot Rocks Bicycle Race and Ride to ask some questions about their upcoming ride. Why join this […]
Quartz Mountain Diamondback 100 Bike Ride in Atlus, OK
The Quartz Mountain Diamondback 100 Bike Ride invites you to join their ride on August 04, 2012 starting at Altus City Reservoir – Altus, OK We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Paul Sutherland to ask some questions about their upcoming ride. Why join this year’s Quartz Mountain Diamondback 100 Bike Ride? This is an awesome […]