Feature: Neoteric Racing Club

Today’s featured cycling club is more than just a cycling team. Sure, they ride for the love of the sport but they also ride for a cause; a cause that they are extremely passionate about- fighting cancer! One race, one revolution at a time, the Neoteric Racing team is not giving up. Each member of the club has been touched by the big bad C word and now they are using their passion for riding as a catalyst to fight back. The founder and president of the team, Gary Mc Alea, was kind enough to talk to us more about his inspiring club. Get ready to be motivated because by the end you’ll want to join forces with this amazing team and their new cancer fighting initiative EXTERMINATE CANCER to kick some serious cancer butt!!

1.     Who founded the club and how did it come to life?

After losing his mother to cancer, founder Gary Mc Alea was motivated to do everything possible to Exterminate Cancer. He ran Team Dell, the largest cancer charity team participating in the annual LIVESTRONG Challenge, for several years. He then decided to start a cycling racing team dedicated to fighting cancer, and Neoteric Racing was born in 2011.

2.     What is your cycling club’s mission?

We strive to bring awareness and inspiration to people affected by cancer through participation in competitive and non-competitive cycling events. Our goal is to promote cycling and cancer awareness at all levels.


3.     How many members does you team/club have?

We currently have 20 active members, and are growing.

4.     What is your favorite route in your area? Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides/routes in Texas?

-Favorite route in our area is the Austin Dam Loop.

-Three Must-Do Routes in Texas are:

  1. Race in the Driveway Series in Austin
  2. Mountain Bike Palo Duro Canyon
  3. Tour das Hugel Austin

5.     What would be the three most valuable tips you can give to a beginning cyclist that would like to get to the next level?

  1. First, find friends with similar cycling interests to help you come up to speed.
  2. Next, schedule a bike fitting. A good fit not only makes a world of difference in how you feel on the bike, leading to longer and more efficient rides; it can also mean the difference between a good and bad season. We like to use Durata Training’s David Wenger, who seems to have a real gift at getting our guys just right on their bikes.
  3. Last, give yourself a target like the LIVESTRONG Challenge. Events like this with multi-length routes give you a solid date to work towards in your training, yet still offer you the flexibility to adapt to your skill level when the event comes. And, the energy at the ride will help you through any nerves when you get there.

6.     What is the best advice someone ever gave you?

a.     Do as I say not as I do.

b.     My mother told to listen to my wife, because she would always be right. J

Kris7.     How does the club make you a better rider?

When you trust your teammates to give you the support you need, whether it be a ride to an event, drafting on a long ride, or tips after seeing you during a race, you constantly help each other improve. We also host training camps, the last of which included a nationally ranked time trial pro and several professional U23 riders. We aim to give our team every opportunity to learn and grow.

8.     What has been your most memorable experience involving your club?

Our charity involvements are clearly the most fulfilling. Our most notable events this year have been the Austin LIVESTRONG Challenge and taking lead in the first annual Exterminate Cancer ride. That said, the training camp that we hosted last year was clearly memorable. The temperatures plummeted, rains turned to floods, and it seemed that Mother Nature was against us at every turn. As a result, the team learned more ne skills and got more perspective than they ever expected. Many site that weekend as a major influence in performance improvements in their racing this year.

9.     How do you keep everyone motivated?

Membership requires a personal involvement in cancer charities. Our riders have a passion that comes from personal stories of survivorship, treatment, victory and loss with cancer, giving them a unique bond and a goal much larger than the single win.

10. Anything we’ve missed that you like our readers to know about? 

At the end of the day, we are together because we are against cancer. Until we can Exterminate Cancer, we will ride to support survivors, and we will ride to support the battle against this disease.

Thank you again to Gary for taking the time to talk to us about his great club and team. We really enjoyed getting to know more about Neoteric Racing and the great things you all are doing to fight cancer! To find out more about the team, membership and ways to help with their new fundraising initiative, Exterminate Cancer, head on over to their website or visit them on facebook to keep updated with their progress!