V/r Douglas Emberton

Wheelbrothers / UClear entry: Wounded warrior Douglas picture from Texas Ride 2 recovery

V/r Douglas Emberton

My entry is memorable to me on several levels.

First I am a Wounded Warrior stationed at Fort Hood Texas. I am in the Warriors in Transition Unit here under going treatment and transition. This picture was taken by Aloha Joe, and is one of his many pictures taken during the Texas Ride 2 Recovery in May 2011.

This picture shows the end result of the determination of the many people who helped plan and execute the ride. I ride to help and support my other Wounded Warrior Brothers and sisters but I also ride for my own therapy. This picture sums up all that is good about John Wordin and all the many R2R staff, Civilians,Volunteers, and supporters who make these rides possible.

It is impossible to put into words how it feels to ride with these Warriors most who have serious injuries whether seen or unseen and watch the determination on their faces, you know they will not quit just as the people who support us will not quit.

This is a picture of people working together not forgetting our Military or injured. To me this is what we are fighting for.

This is America.

V/r Douglas Emberton