4th Annual Weimaride Bike Ride 2011

WeimarideThe 4th Annual Weimaride Bike Ride Sponsored by the Weimar Lions Club invites you to join their upcoming ride happening on October 22, 2011 at Jackson Square, Weimar TX.

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Mike Koeth, Assistant Ride Coordinator of Weimaride Bike Ride to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.

Why Join the Weimaride 2011 Bike Ride?

The views in the country are spectacular! There are gently rolling hills, very little traffic (other than a few pickup trucks and an occasional tractor), cattle, horse ranches and farms. Our Lions Club members provide unmatched hospitality. We have fully-stocked breakpoints along each route that are run by the local FFA, Boy Scouts, Boys & Girls Club and Parents as Teachers organizations. We serve a post-ride meal that includes sausage from the legendary Kasper’s Meat Market in Weimar. Our riders love it!

How long has the event been around and how did it start?

This is our 4th annual ride. A local bicycle repair shop owner suggested that the roads and terrain in this area would be perfect for a bike ride. Many riders are familiar with this area because the MS-150 goes through La Grange, which is about 15 miles north of Weimar. We are situated in an ideal location, right off Interstate 10. Weimar is about an hour’s drive from Austin, Houston and San Antonio.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?

All profits from this ride go toward college scholarships for Weimar-area students, as well as, supporting other local non-profit organizations and programs. We have never asked for sponsorships, but would be open to the idea.

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?

We have about 40 volunteers from the Weimar Noon Lions Club and the Weimar Encore Lions Club. Each year, we also have about 20-30 additional volunteers from area clubs and non-profits that run the breakpoints. We begin planning each year as soon as the previous ride ends! We get together to discuss what worked and how we may improve. The lion-share (pun intended) of our work begins around April or May, though. We offer four different route distances: 13.5, 34, 47 and 63 miles (see website for detailed PDF route maps).

What was the most unforgettable experience or worst accident you had in this event? (prefer the rewarding/unforgettable experience ;o))

There are two specific incidents that I remember clearly:

The first year we held the ride, three riders missed a sign and ended up riding to Columbus (about 18 miles off course). One of the ladies’ keys fell out of her saddlebag along the way . After we found the riders, one of our club members drove around with this lady for over an hour and actually found the keys on the side of the road!
In our second year, a tractor was plowing before the ride and several dirt clods ended up in the middle of the road on a sharp turn. One rider took a spill and hurt his leg and elbow. Fortunately, we have outstanding EMS volunteers. They brought him to our local hospital to get patched up, then he ended up joining us for the post-ride meal.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?

Just to pass on the details and allow us the opportunity to serve you at our ride in October. We really enjoy getting to know our riders and showing them a little Central Texas hospitality!

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?

I was the ride coordinator from 2008-2010. This year, I am the marketing director. My esteemed colleague Lion Gary Olive is our new ride coordinator for 2011. All credit for the success of this ride goes to the tireless volunteers, who always go the extra mile to make each rider feel at home.

What makes riding in the area around Weimar so special?

The scenery is really beautiful. We have actually had several riders inquire about property for sale in the area. The residents of Weimar go out of their way to be courteous and kind to riders along each route. We also have amazing support from our local police and EMS. Oh…and very few dogs that like to nip at heels.


Thanks Mike Koeth for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the event details of the 4th Annual Weimaride Bike Ride 2011

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