Katy Ram Ride 2014

Interview – Katy Ram Challange – Katy, TX

Have you tried the Katy Ram Challenge? If you haven’t been in the last 11 years, you have been missing out. Don’t worry, you still have a chance to get in on this amazing ride. Ride Captain, Andrew Amstutz gave us an exclusive scoop on what to expect from this year’s ride, on April 5th.

Katy Ram Ride 2014

Why join your ride?

The Mayde Creek High School Ram Band Boosters will be sponsoring its 12th annual cycling event known as the Katy Ram Challenge on Saturday, April 5, 2014.

The Katy Ram Challenge is a non-competitive Bike Ride held annually in Katy, TX to benefit the Mayde Creek High School Mighty Ram Band.  The ride includes support and covers several courses ranging from a 12 mile family ride to a 75 mile endurance ride. Riders can expect to experience rolling meadows and rural flatlands around the Katy/Brookshire area. Plus, this a BP MS150 Recommended Ride.

How long has your ride been around?

2014 is our 12th annual Katy Ram Challenge

riders at Katy Ram Ride

What was the motivation behind starting the ride and who benefits from it?

Proceeds from this event are returned to the community through the academic and musical excellence of the Mayde Creek High School Mighty Ram Band. Our students play a significant role with this event as it teaches them the importance of volunteering, community service, and team work.  For more information on how you are helping to make a difference, we invite you to visit our website: www.mchsramband.org.

How have they been able to utilize funds in the past?

The Mayde Creek High School Mighty Ram Band Boosters utilize funds raised from this event to bring clinicians, musical professionals, into the school to work one on one with students.  Proceeds also go to providing the band with instruments, transportation and equipment as they compete in multiple marching competitions throughout the year.

Logistically can you give us an idea of how many volunteers, finances and planning it takes to put on this event?

Over 100 volunteers from the Mayde Creek High School Mighty Ram Band and Band Boosters will be involved with putting on this event including registration, rest stops and a Pep Band at the starting line.  The Katy Ram Challenge travels through Katy, WallerCounty and Brookshire, all of whom are involved with providing police support and traffic control.  Allen Samuels Dodge of Katy provides Dodge Ram Trucks for use as Safety and Gear (SAG) trucks.  Katy comes together for the Katy Ram Challenge.

cyclists prepping for the Katy Ram Ride

Do you have a map of the start facility showing registration, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?

Riders will be challenged with five race routes; 13, 35, 46, 62, and 75 mile routes.  The ride will start at 8:00 a.m. from the Sun & Ski Sports store of Katy Mills Mall and end at approximately 4:30 p.m.  Plenty of parking is available at the Katy Mills Mall.  Katy Police will have officers at key intersections to aid with traffic flow.  Additional traffic control will also be provided by the Waller County Sheriffs and Brookshire Police.  Volunteers will be present at the start/finish, at 5 rest stops and in SAG vehicles to assist with the safety of this recommended BP-MS150 ride. We will also have two fully staffed ambulance on duty throughout the event.

Map and Registration information is available at KatyRamChallenge.org

What is the most rewarding experience of hosting this event?

The Katy Ram Challenge is a great opportunity for all riders in Katy from family riders to BP MS150 endurance riders to come together at Katy’s best ride and support Katy ISD Band Program at Mayde Creek High School.

What is the average number of participants?

Our ride welcomes about 1200 riders.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?

Come out and ride the Katy Ram Challenge!  Take the challenge… we dare you!

Anything else you’d like to tell folks about this ride?

Register Online now and come to packet pickup at Sun & Ski Sports, Katy Mills Mall Thursday April 3 or Friday April 4.  Come ready to Ride on Saturday April 5th and be prepared for a Pep Band Start and the best ride in Katy.  See KatyRamChallenge.org for all the details.


We hope you enjoyed this latest interview. Now get out there an register for the Katy Ram Challenge! See ya there.

CLICK HERE – for more information about this ride.