Lions Biking for Sight in Montgomery, TX

The Lions Biking for Sight invites you to join their ride on October 6, 2013 starting at 22825 Highway 105 West, Montgomery, TX, 77356

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Chuck Martin, Ride director of Lions Biking for Sight to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.


Why join the Ride?
This ride features hills and is a great training ride for the Valero 2013 Alamo Bike to the River

How long has the event been around?
This will be our 14th year

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
We (my wife and I) wanted to start a ride that was “different” from other local rides. We wanted to feature some hills. The Houston Cy-Fair Lions Charities (mainly the Texas Lions Camp and The Lion Eye Bank) benefit from the proceeds of this ride.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?
We have spent 100 % of the funds raised to help local school children with new eye glasses and send kids to the Texas Lions Camp.

Do you hav a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
The start area is very easy to find. It is the Montgomery High School Athletic Complex. There are signs marking the route to this location.

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
There are approximately 75 volunteers assisting in this ride. Since this is our 14th ride, the planning is minimal. Most of our time is spent buying supplies and getting the signs ready for the course.

What was the most rewarding experience throughout the years hosting this event?
Our most rewarding experience is providing school children with eye glasses, sending kids to Lions Camp, and providing 2 scholarships to Montgomery High School graduating seniors.

What is the average number of participants per year? How many riders do you assist during the average race?
Average number of riders has been around 350 for the last 4 years. We probably SAG approximately 25 to 50 riders each year.

What was the most unforgettable experience or worst accident you had in this event?
In 13years of this ride, we have only had 1 transportable accident. It happened 3 miles into the ride when someone dropped their water bottle in a pace line.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
The main thing they can do is join a local Lions Club. This will greatly assist that local Lions Club so they can do more for their community. There are 64 clubs in Harris County and the six counties surrounding Harris County. The next best thing they can do is have some fun and join our ride.

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
I am the ride director. Most of the responsibility falls on me to organize the volunteers and get riders registered.

Do you ride and if yes, what kind of bicycle do you ride and what is your favorite route in your area? Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides in Texas (besides your own)?
Yes, I ride. Not as much as I used to ride. I spend my time riding routes developed by the Northwest Cycling Club. I really enjoy the Blue Bonnet Express, The Katy Flatland Century, and The RAM Challenge.

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like?

10) You will enjoy the wonderful rest stops
9) There are port-a-potties at every rest stop
8) There are bright smiley faces of Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts at the rest stops
7) We have lots of cookies, bananas, and oranges
6) We have very friendly SAG drivers
5) You get to ride through the Sam Houston National Forest and enjoy all of the wonderful shade
4) You will enjoy wonderful scenery
3) We have indoor rest rooms at the start finish area
2) They will enjoy the hills that are not found in the local rides in the Houston area
1) Their money will be used to purchase eye glasses for needy children, send Handicapped kids to Camp, and reward two seniors with scholarships.

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
For this year, we will only do the 100 mile route if we have 30 registered riders for this route by 9/20/13.


Thanks Chuck for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the ride details of 14th Annual Lions Biking for Sight 2013