Wildcat Ride & Run 2013 in Selma, TX

The Wildcat Ride & Run 2013 invites you to join their ride on September 21, 2013 starting at OLPH Catholic School – 16075 N. Evans Rd. Selma, TX
We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Barbara Crane to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.

Why join the Ride?
Wildcat Ride and Run is a well organized ride to help meet your goals, train or just have fun. The ride helps to support Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School in many ways.
1) Helps to role model to kids and family the importance of exercise and health
2) A great example of community, service and team work and
3) Financially, assists the school in covering continuing raising costs while attempting to keep the tuition affordable for families.

How long has the event been around?
This is the 4th year. The first three years the event was called Pedal Fest.

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School and the surrounding community benefit from the Wild Cat Ride and Run. The event was first started to help raise funds of the endowment fund for the school. This year, the funds will go directly towards the school to help cover ever raising costs and hopefully begin a reserve fund allowing the tuition to remain affordable for families while putting aside funds needs of the school such as technology, capital improvements, text books etc… The ride and run also benefits the community by promoting healthy life style and assisting people in setting goals and accomplishing them.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?
The last three years the funds have gone to helping to build the endowment fund for the school.

Can we get a TCX or GPX file included for download? Over 63% of folks say they are more up to attend a ride for which they have information about the routes for their on-bike devices. We have a TCX and GPX file for download available for the 32 mile course at this time on the website.
We hope to have the 59 mile and 91 mile courses ready to download in the next several weeks.

Do you hav a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
Yes, the map is available on the website www.wildcatriderun.com

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
Logistically, it takes about 1 year of planning with several committee members having multiple years experience with this ride and two members who organize rides professionally. The event has about 100-150 volunteers from the organization aspect to the day of the event. Cost of the even is about 15,000 with permits, consulting and expenses. We have been able to defer some of the cost through sponsors and in-kind donations.

What was the most rewarding experience throughout the years hosting this event?
Seeing people set goals, work towards them and meet them. This is for the committee members working on the event and the riders and runners that participate in the group. Also, the OLPH community working together to help support the school and the kids.

What is the average number of participants per year? How many riders do you assist during the average race?
About 300 and maybe 12 are assisted during the average race.

What was the most unforgettable experience or worst accident you had in this event?
Last years race was the most unforgettable experience for many reasons. The originally date of the ride/run was rained out. The day and night before the race it rained non stop and all of the rest stops and roads where wet and flooded. The race had to be rescheduled for another date. This was very disappointing, however, the way the community and volunteers came together to reschedule and put the event on was amazing.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
The can register for the ride or run, they can volunteer to work a rest stop or just come out, hang out have some food and support those who are riding or running. They also can make a donation to Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, anything helps to support the education of the kids, regardless of 5 dollars or a ream of paper.

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
I am a parent of two beautiful children at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic school. My role is to help with advertising to let riders and runners know about the event.

Do you ride and if yes, what kind of bicycle do you ride and what is your favorite route in your area? Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides in Texas (besides your own)?
I do not ride, (I am going to run in the event) however several committee members do ride. One member has a Wilier bike. The top three Rides in Texas the committee says are 1) Wildcat Ride and Run (of course) 2) Hotter Then Hell 3) Fiesta Wild Flower Ride

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like?
10. You have three Rides to choose from 32 miles, 59miles or 91 miles
9. There is shopping at the beginning and end of race with a silent auction
8. We have two Bike Repair stations at the beginning of the race and one by a rest stop.
7. It supports kids and education.
6 We have several fireman, paramedics and fireman ready to help with first aid.
5. You cross over several cities and counties (think of bragging rights you can tell people)
4. Homemade Peanut Butter/ Jelly Sandwiches at a rest stop
3. There will be adult beverages available at the end of the ride.
2. You have many people praying for you to have a safe ride, including a Priest before the ride begins.
1. You get an event T-Shirt

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
This is a great family friendly ride and run. It has several different ride options to challenge people at every ability. This is a great Prep ride for the MS150. The organizers are passionate about creating a successful event for all who ride or run. 100% of the profits go to support Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic School.

Thanks Barbara for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the ride details of Wildcat Ride & Run 2013