Tour de Rio Blanco in Crosbyton, TX

The Tour de Rio Blanco invites you to join their ride on September 28, 2013 starting at Pioneer Memorial Museum 101 W Main St, Crosbyton, TX

We were lucky enough to be granted an interview with Ruth Davis to ask some questions about their upcoming ride.


Why join the Ride?
This is it, if you’re up for a challenge and change of scenery! One of the last conflicts between the Comanche and the US Calvary took place in this canyon.

How long has the event been around?
This year, 2013, will be the inaugural year of the Tour de Rio Blanco.

What was the motivation behind starting the tour and who benefits from it?
The ride is the brainchild of Dr. Steve Alley of the Crosbyton Clinic Hospital. He has garnered the support of several local clubs and a committee of excited citizens. Everyone benefits, the community, the riders and most of all those battling cancer.

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?
As this is the first year our goal is to cover our costs then to donate the remainder to the Komen Foundation to fight breast cancer. We have comminicated with Komen and need a great first tour to gain their support.

Can we get a TCX or GPX file included for download?

Do you have a map of the start facility showing registration point, parking, all toilets, water/snacks, start line?
All this information is on our website – you can also follow us on twitter @blancobob13 and like us on facebook

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances, and planning it takes to put on this event?
This is the first ride, we will know after the event more accurate information. A committee of 6 of us have been meeting once a week since the beginning of July. We are figuring, not including police support we will be around 25 volunteers. We are also planning ‘things’ for families of riders to do while they are in town. We have local shops, vendors and kids activities in the works.

What can folks do to support you and your mission?
Get the message out about our event!

What is your role in this race and to the success of it?
My role is fundraising from businesses and local vendors.

Do you ride and if yes, what kind of bicycle do you ride and what is your favorite route in your area? Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides in Texas (besides your own)?
I ride a TREK, of course my favorite ride is Blanco Canyon: other must do’s – Hotter than Hell, Tour de Gap, Tour de Muleshoe

If you had to come up with a David Letterman style top 10 about the race, what would it read like?
We are working on this. So far the number one is: It’ll be hot, but not Hotter than Hell.

Additional stuff you would like the folks to know about this year’s ride?
The 26 mile ride will actually be easier than the 10 mile ride. The 10 mile goes down hill 5 miles, than back up the hill the last 5.


Thanks Ruthy for this quick interview and we hope to catch everyone at the ride!

Click here to view the ride details of  1st Inagural Tour de Rio Blanco