Velossimo Cycling Club

Who founded the club and how did it come to life?


Velossimo was formed back in September of 2005 by myself and I recruited a few other guys I was racing with at the time who were racing unattached. We thought it would be fun to start our own new team and I wanted to do something that gave back to the local community. It was a great experience but I didn’t realize at the time just how much time and work was involved in getting sponsors, designing kits/uniforms, and just generally getting a bunch of individual bike racers organized to compete together as a team. It has been a very rewarding experience and I’ve been lucky to have met so many incredible men and women over the years.

What is your cycling clubs mission?

We started out as a 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports the Susan
G. Komen foundation. We make a team donation every year and try and encourage our sponsors and local businesses to do the same. Komen raises money to provide free cancer screenings, education, and medical services as well as financial and emotional support. 75% of their money goes to the
local community and 25% goes to national cancer research.

How many members does you team/club have?


Right now we have about 30 members and we’re always looking for good, fun folks to join up and come race with us. We have all levels and abilities of racers from Pro 1/2 racers to Cat 5’s, mountain bike racers, as well as Multi-sport athletes.

What is your favorite route in your area? (If you happen to have any maps that would be great!) Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides/routes in Texas?

There are so many great places to ride in Austin it’s really hard to choose.
Nothing beats getting out in the Texas Hill Country. Some of my favorite rides we’ve done is at our training camps in Fredericksburg, TX. You can ride for hours without seeing another car and it has some challenging, beautiful terrain. Here are two rides we’ve done training camp:

What would be the three most valuable tips you can give to a beginning cyclist that would like to get to the next level?

1. Have fun. If you aren’t having fun, stop and re-evaluate. Cycling is a beautiful and wonderful sport but it should also be fun and enhance your life-not detract from it.
2. I would highly suggest joining a local club/team and ride with folks who are slightly above your level to help mentor and push you. There is just so much to learn as a new bike rider/racer that it can be a bit overwhelming.
Depending on your goals, you may want to consider getting a coach if you have aspirations of racing at a high level.
3. Make friends with your local bike shop and support them. Having a bike that fits and works properly is critical to having a fun, safe time. Also most bike shops have group rides and it’s a great way to meet people.


What is the best advice someone ever gave you?

Always look toward the future rather than focusing and dwelling on mistakes of the past. Life is short so enjoy it!

How does the club make you a better rider?

You become a better rider by being open to feedback and becoming a student of the sport. There is always something to learn from your teammates so keep your eyes and ears open and ask questions to more experienced riders. Group rides are invaluable in becoming a better, safer rider and highly encouraged.


What has been your most memorable experience involving your club?

From all the different places we’ve trained and raced, to all of the folks that have been on the team over the years has been absolutely incredible. Our yearly training camps are always a blast and there are always some hilarious stories that come out of those. Looking back over the years, I’ve really enjoying seeing folks achieve their goals on the bike and helping give them mentoring, advice, support, and coaching to help get them to that next level.

How do you keep everyone motivated?

I’ve found most bike racers are pretty highly motivated people. I try and mix in a little fun and team camaraderie and encourage folks to help each other. There’s nothing better than having a beer and relaxing with some of your friends after a ride.

Do you have any photos/videos you would like to share?

Yep, we have some pictures and videos here:

Thank you Karl Kupecz for taking the time to tell us more about your club. Head on over to their facebook page to keep with the latest club news and to get to know the team.