Ghisallo Foundation Racing Team

1. Who founded the club and how did it come to life?
The Ghisallo Foundation racing team came to life like most clubs do: a group of friends who were already racing and traveling together wanting to actually be on the same team together. Although it started with a clear focus on community service and improving the bicycle community beyond the race track, its role has grown with the formation of the Ghisallo Foundation.

2. What is your cycling clubs mission?
Our mission is to expand cycling through community service and bike racing. The team contributes a significant number of volunteer hours to both the Ghisallo Foundation’s projects as well as other groups. In 2012 team members completed something in the range of 230 hours of community service which is pretty huge for such a small team. In 2011 we were Keep Austin Beautiful “Litter Abatement” award winner due to our high volume clean-ups of a local bikeway and USA Cycling’s “Best New Club” in 2011 and “Club of the Year” in 2012. This was in no small part due to our mission and team members actively making the mission a reality.

3. How many members does you team/club have?
Currently we have 16 members consisting of 11 men and 5 women and are looking to grow to 20-22 riders over the 2013 season.

4. What is your favorite route in your area? Which are your top 3 favorite MUST DO rides/routes in Texas?
Austin out to Manor or Elgin is an all-time favorite ( which offers various options such as riding the Manor or Manda Race loops. If you don’t have a lot of time and love riding some hills there is an in-town loop that can’t be beat ( And, at the request of Jack Mott, the Veloway (, where you can work on your hair pin turns and obstacle (i.e. rollerblader) avoidance skills.

5. What would be the three most valuable tips you can give to a beginning cyclist that would like to get to the next level?
Finish 10 races and they will automatically get to the next level, I promise. Train. When you are just starting out find a group ride it is hard for you to keep up with, but not impossible. Use that to get some miles on your legs and get comfortable riding in medium to large sized packs that push the pace. When you first start out don’t drop a mint on a new bike. If your bike works well, save that money for race entries until you are sure you are going to stick with it. Nothing stops a racer from racing faster than hitting the pavement on a bike they can’t afford to have to replace. And finally, take a clinic from an experienced race team (in Austin Super Squadra and 787 regularly hold clinics). Not only will these make you a smarter racer, they will improve your chances of not hitting the pavement which will increase your chances of enjoying racing and winning races!

6. What is the best advice someone ever gave you?
Just get miles on your legs, and when that stops working find a coach.

7. How does the club make you a better rider?
We offer free coaching to team members and focus on participation. Race reimbursement is available to all riders equally irrespective of results and category which we feel helps encourage teammates to work together rather than be in competition with each other.

8. What has been your most memorable experience involving your club?
Our first year as a team, the Driveway, a weekly crit in Austin run by Holland Racing, had a team competition. The Maczuzak Composites Team grew and re-branded as Alchemy Racing Team which resulted both of our teams being very evenly matched in the CAT3s. That spring and summer was amazing as both of our squads routinely fielded 5-8 riders and vied for the title of Series Team Champion. We were always close in points so the races were very dynamic, high paced, and required everyone to work together to have any sort of chance of staying in contention. It was awesome (even if Alchemy did end up wining the title and the jersey)!

9. How do you keep everyone motivated?
KIND Bars and dinners at Blue Dahlia Bistro! Sometimes it is difficult due to most of the team having random schedules that don’t fit the traditional 9-5 workday. But having group rides and other team building activities like meals, potlucks, and just hanging out off the bike helps. Dropping in for a free beer or coffee at Nelo’s doesn’t hurt team moral either.

10. Anything we’ve missed that you like our readers to know about?
We would like to recognize and thank our sponsors who provide support for us and our mission throughout the season: Austin Manual Therapy Associates, Bethany Bauman, Blue Dahlia Bistro, HED, Holland Racing, I LUV Video, KIND Healthy Snacks and Nelo’s Cycles.

11. Do you have any photos/videos you would like to share?
Somehow I don’t have any good pictures of this year’s kit so here are some from last season:

More Pics:

Thank you Christopher Stanton for taking the time out of your busy schedule to tell us more about the Ghisallo Foundation Racing Team. To keep up with the team and to see the latest updates and pictures, follow them on Facebook.