Huge Props to Clarence Muller from Mad Duck Cyclery from the Wheelbrothers!

The Wheelbrothers took the airport route today when 10 miles into the ride a screw on my seat post broke.  At first I just tried to make it through but since we already were in Grapevine we looked for a bike store that was  close.  Mad Duck Cyclery was it.  However, when we got there it was only 9:30 and they don’t open til 10.

Well, out of nowhere Clarence shows up, opens the store for us 30 minutes early and looks if he has the right part.  Since they specialize in Italian beauties and not so much my Specialized we were out of luck.

What happened next blew me away!  Clarence, simply walks over to one of his training bikes, measures the seat post, says – ‘This should fit’ and installs it on my bike.  Then he tells me to go back to Bicycles Inc.  get the right screw for my post and bring back his training post to him next week.   In between we were talking bikes, racing and Jens Voigt’s famous ‘Shut Up Legs’ came up.  You can tell he simply lives and breathes cycling!

The kicker?  The price!!!!

How much do I owe you?  Nothing!!!!   Don’t sweat it!  Just keep riding…

Well, thanks to Clarence of Mad Duck Cyclery I managed to finish my training ride today!  (Okay, Hutch, Jeff and David pulling my tail home today had something to do with that as well!)

Point is, if you are in the Grapevine area and need some work done or are looking for a cool bike… Check them out.

If they help a random rider out like that…. What do they do for their Customers???!!!!!