Ring of Fire : Luckenbach – Ride or Race

We were lucky enough to catch up with Erin Truslow of Ring of Fire : Luckenbach — Ride or Race to ask some questions about their upcoming event happening on August 14, 2010

How long has the event been around and how did it start?

The Ring of Fire: Race or Ride Luckenbach is in it inaugural year. We are really excited to be teaming up with Luckenbach for such a fun venue.

What was the motivation behind starting this event and who benefits from it?

We really just wanted to have a Johnny Cash theme event!  No, really, we love cycling, love producing the events and really wanted to bring a sense of Community in Cycling to Texas through one ride. We added the RACE aspect to please those who do these events and just hammer the course. We thought there should be a winner for bragging rights.

The events beneficiary is the Ronald McDonald House in Austin.  We are really so excited to be partnering with them again to raise awareness and funds for the house. We are planning on it being a long and successful partnership!

How have they been able to utilize the funds in the past?

Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin and Central Texas creates, finds and supports programs that directly improve the health and well-being of children and their families.

They have been providing programs for 25 years since a group of community leaders came together to open the Ronald McDonald House in Austin in 1985.  McDonald’s is a partner in care and provides, through local donations, about 10% of our operating budget. The other 90% comes from gifts from individuals, corporations, organizations and foundations who support our mission.

Logistically, can you give us an idea how many volunteers, finances and planning it takes to put on this event?

We have needs for almost 200 volunteers this year, planning takes the better part of the year and the finances are ridiculous!

Which was the most rewarding experience throughout the years hosting events?

Red Licorice Events likes to think it creates experiences not just finish lines. Anyone can produce a bike ride or a 5k, but it takes a special & dedicated team of people to create events that make lasting impressions and keep the participant coming back for more. Our most rewarding moments are watching those who thought they couldn’t, do it. It always gets to me seeing that final finisher smile across the finish line!

How many riders do you medically assist during the average race?

A good event has Zero! But realistically with a few hundred or a few thousand riders, somebody is going to go down. They say “its not if, it’s when” right? Thankfully and knock on wood, all of our participants who needed medical attention made a full recovery and went on to ride again!  We do take all medical events very seriously and we will have over 20 medical on staff and on the course during the event. We are keeping an eye out for people who are dehydrating as well as for signs of hyponatremia  which is equally as dangerous. We are taking steps to let the participants know about how to properly hydrate and take in nutrition along the 4 courses, especially the 110 mile course!

What can folks do to support you and your event & mission?

Come! Ride or Race! And Donate or Fundraise for Team Ronald McDonald House. You can register now at www.redlicoriceevents.com

How many port-a-potties do you have?

This year close to 40. Next year…. Hopefully more!

Any celebrities joining the ride?

I believe Austin Local Celebrity journalist Pam LeBlanc is coming out and Jeff Vaughn from KENS 5 in San Antonio is doing a story on the event with his blog and headcam! I keep Tweetin’ Lance, but he is a bit busy right now….

Additional stuff you would like to let folks know about this years ride?

This is going to be a big party! Prizes, Awards, Live music from 10 am till 8 pm or later. Bike shops from all over Central Austin are coming in to show off their goods as well as support the event with mechanical out on the course. It’s a tough and challenging Hill Country ride, but totally worth it for the cold beer at the finish line!

Thank you Erin for granting this quick interview and we hope we can catch up with everyone at the event.

Click here to view the event details for the Ring of Fire : Luckenbach — Ride or Race

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