10 Questions with Craig ‘Junior’ Miller

Craig 'Junior' MillerIf you are listening to sports radio in North Texas, you know Junior Miller from the little Ticket. We’ve been listening to him and George since 1995 and as most P1’s know, he is an avid runner and cyclist.

We managed to catch up with him and he was kind enough to answer a few questions for us:

How long have you been cycling and what got you into the sport?

I’ve loved riding since I was a kid. I remember in 8th grade I used to go up to the bike shop near our house and read the bike racing magazines–I would see these pictures of Merckx and Hinault, looking like gods, racing in the Alps.  I thought it looked like the coolest sport ever.  I’ve been hooked since.

How regular do you ride any personal goals?

For the last three years I’ve been running marathons, but I’m still riding one or two days a week.  Before that, I raced for 20 years.  After I run Boston in a few weeks, I’m planning on getting back into bike racing.  I miss it a lot.  Before I started running, I was really getting good at time trials, so I would like to continue to pursue that discipline–but I may have lost too much to get back!

What kind of bike do you ride?

I’ve got a Pinarello road bike and a Kuota time trial bike.

What do you take on a ride with you no matter what (besides the bike of course)?

Always take a flat fix kit–tube, patch kit, cartridges, tire irons.  Also usually some food–gels or something.

Buttbutter – Gay or not gay?

Not gay.  Have to have it.

What is the best wreck you have ever seen or been part of?

I don’t like to talk about wrecks–bad karma.  No such thing as a good or best wreck.

In your opinion, why couldn’t Jan Ulrich beat Lance?

Work ethic. Lance simply out-worked him. If I were Jan, I couldn’t live with that.

Have you ridden your bike around IN the new Cowboys Stadium yet?

-If no – plans too?

No, Jerry would have me shot.

What’s your favorite ride in North Texas that you just HAVE to do?

I love going down to Cedar Hill and doing my loop that takes in every single climb.  Getting a little crowed down there, but still great hills.

How do you balance ‘Family’ life with going on training rides or does your wife ride with you?

My wife is a runner, so she understands training.  Plus, we don’t have kids (yet), so it’s easy.


You can listen to Junior on 1310AM/104.1FM “The Ticket” from 5:30AM-10AM every weekday morning.  He has a interesting blog on the ticket website and has a Twitter feed going .

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