Lance Armstrong attacks radio host who urged running over cyclists

Lance ArmstrongLance Armstrong has laid into an American radio host who claimed live on air that motorists should run cyclists down. Armstrong branded ESPN’s Tony Kornheiser a “complete f-ing idiot” on his Twitter page, saying the comments were “Disgusting, ignorant” and “foolish”.

Kornheiser, who has recently returned after being suspended for criticising a female colleague for “dressing too young”, launched into a rant about cyclists while discussing a new cycle lane in Washington.

“The last time I looked, the roads were made for automobiles,” he said. “We’re going to be dominated as if this was Beijing by hundreds of thousands of bicyclists …”

The broadcaster also attacked cycling clothes before urging motorists to run over those on bicycles.

“They all wear … my God … with the little water bottle in the back and the stupid hats and their shiny shorts,” he said. “They are the same disgusting poseurs that in the middle of a snowstorm come out with cross-country skiing on your block. Run ’em down.

“Let them use the right, I’m OK with that. I don’t take my car and ride on the sidewalk because I understand that’s not for my car … Why do these people think that these roads were built for bicycles? … They dare you to run them down.”

Armstrong, a seven-times Tour de France-winner, reacted furiously, posting: “Disgusting, ignorant, foolish. What a complete f-ing idiot.” He then later suggested his Twitter followers should write to ESPN to complain, after adding: “Tony Kornheiser on cyclists on the road, ‘run ’em down’. Really? Big mistake, Tony.”

From Tom Bryant of

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