Wheelbrothers, Be Offended, Chili’s Memorial Bike Team Awards Banquet:
OK, Casey and i have been noodling on this for a few days, and it is
on, for Januay 20, next Saturday night, at the Macaroni Grill in N Ft
Worth, Western Center and I-35W. 7 pm. Brides and girlfriends are
expressly invited.
Plan on food, wine, fellowship and perhaps a small amount of
debauchery. No “actual” awards will be awarded, save some solemn
remebrances of really stupid things we did over the past 1000 or so
miles on a bike.
Tragically casual. No bike shorts – we’ve all been off the saddle too
long, and many of you have been in the woods, armed and packing
it would be helpful if you could give me an idea of who’s a 90%-
probable show, and whether you’ll subject your spouse/significant other
to this event. or send a note directly to Casey who claims he’ll call
ahead and minimize wait time and maximize correct table size. Though
we’d love to see her and wish her well, Dieter’s wife is entitled to
the “i’m-about-to-pop” hall pass.
Dieter, can you get this on the wheelbrothers site? thanks. feel
free to forward to anyone i’ve not got on the “to” list.
warm regards,
ps: USAA came through – i may be up and riding again soon – on
something other than a mountain bike.
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