Stephen W. Jackel Memorial Ride

The Stephen W. Jackel Memorial Ride page, provides you with the official registration information, ride distances etc. and if you scroll down a bit, videos, interviews and ride reports for this event. If you don’t see a ride report and you participated in the event in the past, feel free to type something up and we’ll add it here!


Date: April 15, 2018

Event: Stephen W. Jackel Memorial Ride

Route distances: 20 miles, and a short family ride


About the ride:

Please join us APRIL 15th as we celebrate the life of U.S. Army Sergeant Stephen W. Jackel, who passed away recently; he was a beloved and motivational member of the community.

Team Bicycles Inc will be hosting a fundraising ride to support Stephen Jackel’s widow, Adriana Jackel.

PLEASE BRING $20 donation to support Stephen’s Wife, Adriana Jackel

ROUTE: there will be a short, relaxed ride through the parks trails for kids and families, and longer (approximately 20 miles) on the 360 service road for intermediate riders.

Please contact Al Gamble for any additional information: 817-865-6614


Website: Facebook event

Registration: $20 donation

Contact info: Al Gamble 817-865-6614


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