The Beauty and the Beast Bicycle Tour page, provides you with the official registration information, ride distances etc. and if you scroll down a bit, videos, interviews and ride reports for this event. If you don’t see a ride report and you participated in the event in the past, feel free to type something up and we’ll add it here!
Date: March 14, 2020
Event: 32nd Annual Beauty and the Beast Bicycle Tour
Route distances: 60-70, 40-50, and 25-35 mile routes
About the ride:
This year’s event will be hosted in downtown Tyler at the ETX Brewing Co.! We’re excited to bring TBC’s event back to the heart of Tyler and continue to grow into the ride it was many moons ago. Staging will be behind the brewery on S. College and more details concerning parking and event day activities will be posted and emailed as planning continues.
Entry fee:
$35 through midnight December 31st.
$40 January 1st through midnight March 9th
$45 March 9 – March 13th
$50 March 14 Day of the EVENT
Tshirt: guaranteed to all who register by March 4th.
Or on Facebook at:
Overnight Camping avaliable just south of Tyler:
Location: Tyler, TX
Event website:
Registration: Coming soon
Find more information about other rides on our mainpage
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